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Version: Pre-Release

Deregister an Operator

Embedded Docs

The following command can be used to explore all parameters and subcommands:

target/production/subspace-node --help

Build from source

If you prefer to build from the source rather using existing builds, the domain operator node is embedded within the subspace-node binary, please refer to Subspace node for how to build from source.

Operator deregistration

To deregister an operator on the domain and have your tokens released:


Only account who registered an operator can deregister it. Make sure to use the same wallet / account to sign the transaction for deregistration.

  1. Proceed to the Subspace Staking portal and connect your wallet.


  1. Select the wallet you would like to connect. Make sure to select the wallet you registered your operator with. Both Subwallet and PolkadotJS wallets are supported.


  1. Enter your password to give an access to your wallet.


  1. Click on Manage your stake.


  1. Click on Action button next to an operator you would like to deregister and select deregister.


  1. Approve the request in the pop-up window.


  1. Congratulations, your operator was deregistered.

It can take up to 10 minutes for the operator to be deregistered and disappeared from the page. You can check if the operator was deregistered successfully on the Subspace Subscan portal.

Operator deregistration using PolkadotJS

Alternatively, you can use the PolkadotJS portal to deregister operator.

  1. Proceed to PolkadotJS
  2. Make sure to select the correct network at the top-left corner.
  3. Select the account you want to use in using the selected account.
  4. Select domains under submit the following extrinsic and choose deregisterOperator(operatorId) in the dropdown.


  1. Your tokens and tokens of operator Nominators will be released after the lockingPeriod.
  2. To check the locking period you can go to Developer -> Chain state -> Constants.
  3. Select domains under selected contant query and choose stakeWithdrawalLockingPeriod.
  4. Click on + to run the query.

The current locking period is set to 14_400 blocks, or 24 hours.

Operator Stake Withdrawal

Operator stake withdrawal works similarly to Nominator stake withdrawal. Refer to this section to withdraw your stake.