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Pulsar (Deprecated)

Pulsar Evolution: Embracing Space Acres GUI

A Farewell to Pulsar

The journey of the Subspace Network has been one of constant innovation and growth. Pulsar, our initial 'simple' CLI farming application, served as a gateway for many into the world of decentralized farming. It was designed to strike a balance between functionality and ease of use. However, as the network matures and our community's needs evolve, we find ourselves at a crossroads.

In pursuit of delivering the simplest and most accessible farming experience, we are phasing out Pulsar. This decision honors our commitment to ease of use and development efficiency. Pulsar's sunset marks a shift in focus towards a more intuitive and robust GUI application, Space Acres, originally developed as a passion project by Nazar, now an Official Subspace Network application.

Transitioning to Space Acres GUI and Advanced CLI

  • Space Acres GUI Application: Space Acres represents the next step in our evolution, offering a graphical user interface that embodies our vision for simplicity without sacrificing the depth of farming features.

  • Advanced CLI: For those who prefer the command line or require greater configurability, the Advanced CLI remains available, providing granular control over farming operations.

Why Transition?

  • Streamlined Experience: Space Acres GUI is the embodiment of simplicity, providing a seamless farming experience with just a few clicks.
  • Development Focus: Concentrating our efforts on Space Acres allows us to deliver a more polished and sustainable application.
  • Resource Allocation: By sunsetting Pulsar, we free up valuable development resources to enhance and expand the Subspace Network.

Support for Our Community

We understand this transition impacts our users, and we are committed to providing support every step of the way:

  • Subspace Forum: Our forum is a hub for discussion and community assistance.
  • Subspace Discord: Join our Discord for real-time support and to connect with fellow farmers.

We are grateful for your adaptability and support as we navigate this change together.

Learn More About Syncing, Plotting & Farming

For more information about the principles of farming on the Subspace Network, you can still refer to the Autonomys Academy links below: